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Who is the best GIN player?

Who is the best GIN player?
Posted by MightBeTime_xyi (VIP) Oct 29 2007 11:17PM

Winning records tell some of the tale but who is the best GIN player in GC? Any recommendations? I will send in my list soon.

Posted by CustardNick (VIP) Dec 19 2007 10:28AM

those who play everyone NO MATTER WHAT

best gin player
Posted by Rusty1_Tn (VIP) Jan 12 2008 2:26PM

maybe we should have like the peoples choice awards, but let the TD's do the voting.... they get to everone play

best gin player
Posted by phsst (VIP) May 11 2009 8:59PM


My list includes......
Posted by StarForce49_xyi (VIP) May 19 2009 10:58AM

first of all, I seem to lose in tournaments whoever I play but my top players list includes: goombah, Rusty, IRBaboon, xxxbayer and herbien. their discards seem to be selected carefully.

The best Gin Player is
Posted by bs102479 (VIP) Jul 23 2009 11:24PM


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